Liquipedia Dota 2 Patches: A Comprehensive Guide :

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on Liquipedia Dota 2 patches. In this article, we will be providing you with all the information you need to know about the various patches that have been released for Dota 2 on Liquipedia. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, this guide is sure to provide you with valuable insights and knowledge about the game’s patches and their impact on the overall gameplay experience.

What is Liquipedia Dota 2?

Liquipedia is a Wikipedia-style website that is primarily focused on esports. It is a community-driven platform that provides up-to-date information on various esports titles, including Dota 2. Liquipedia is widely regarded as one of the most reliable sources of information on Dota 2, thanks to its extensive coverage, detailed articles, and accurate data.

How to Use Liquipedia Dota 2?

If you’re new to Liquipedia Dota 2, navigating the website can seem daunting at first. However, once you get the hang of it, it becomes fairly straightforward. Here’s a quick guide on how to use Liquipedia Dota 2:

Step Description
Step 1 Go to the Liquipedia Dota 2 homepage.
Step 2 Click on the “Patches” tab on the top menu bar.
Step 3 Select the patch you want to learn more about.
Step 4 Browse through the various sections to learn more about the patch.

Why are Dota 2 Patches Important?

If you’re a Dota 2 player, you’re probably aware of the importance of patches in the game. Patches are updates that are released by the game’s developers to address bugs, balance issues, and add new content to the game. These updates can have a significant impact on the gameplay experience, and can often change the meta of the game. As such, it’s important for players to stay up-to-date with the latest patches to ensure that they’re playing the game to the best of their ability.

How Often are Dota 2 Patches Released?

Dota 2 patches are released fairly regularly, with Valve (the game’s developer) releasing updates every couple of weeks on average. However, the frequency of patches can vary depending on the state of the game. For example, if there are significant balance issues or bugs that need to be addressed, Valve may release patches more frequently to address these issues.

Understanding Liquipedia Dota 2 Patches

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Liquipedia Dota 2 and why patches are important, let’s dive into the patches themselves. In this section, we’ll be providing an overview of the various patches that have been released for Dota 2 on Liquipedia, along with their key changes and impact on the game.

Patch 7.30

Patch 7.30 was released on August 18th, 2021, and is the latest major update to Dota 2. This patch brought several significant changes to the game, including the introduction of a new hero (Dawnbreaker), changes to the neutral items system, and adjustments to various heroes and items. Here are some of the key changes that were introduced in Patch 7.30:

Change Description
New Hero Dawnbreaker, a melee strength hero, was added to the game.
Neutral Items The number of neutral items that can be held by each team was reduced from 3 to 2.
Hero Changes Several heroes were buffed or nerfed to improve balance, including Axe, Bristleback, and Lina.
Item Changes Several items were adjusted to improve balance, including Hand of Midas, Heaven’s Halberd, and Abyssal Blade.

Overall, Patch 7.30 had a significant impact on the game, with many players adjusting their playstyles and strategies to accommodate the changes. It’s important for players to familiarize themselves with the changes introduced in Patch 7.30 to stay competitive in the game.

Patch 7.29

Patch 7.29 was released on April 9th, 2021, and introduced several significant changes to Dota 2. This patch focused primarily on improving hero balance and introducing new items to the game. Here are some of the key changes that were introduced in Patch 7.29:

Change Description
Hero Changes Several heroes were buffed or nerfed to improve balance, including Phantom Lancer, Riki, and Hoodwink.
New Items Several new items were added to the game, including Mage Slayer, Wind Waker, and Trickster’s Glass.
Item Changes Several items were adjusted to improve balance, including Sange and Yasha, Radiance, and Bloodstone.

Overall, Patch 7.29 had a significant impact on the game, with many players adjusting their playstyles and strategies to accommodate the changes. It’s important for players to familiarize themselves with the changes introduced in Patch 7.29 to stay competitive in the game.

Patch 7.28

Patch 7.28 was released on December 17th, 2020, and introduced several significant changes to Dota 2. This patch focused primarily on hero balance and item reworks, and introduced a new hero (Hoodwink) to the game. Here are some of the key changes that were introduced in Patch 7.28:

Change Description
New Hero Hoodwink, a ranged agility hero, was added to the game.
Hero Changes Several heroes were buffed or nerfed to improve balance, including Pudge, Magnus, and Ember Spirit.
Item Reworks Several items were reworked to improve balance and provide new gameplay options, including Aghanim’s Scepter, Necronomicon, and Manta Style.

Overall, Patch 7.28 had a significant impact on the game, with many players adjusting their playstyles and strategies to accommodate the changes. It’s important for players to familiarize themselves with the changes introduced in Patch 7.28 to stay competitive in the game.


Q: How do I stay up-to-date with the latest Dota 2 patches?

A: The best way to stay up-to-date with the latest Dota 2 patches is to regularly check Liquipedia Dota 2. The website is updated regularly with the latest patches and their key changes, making it easy for players to stay informed.

Q: Do I need to download patches to play Dota 2?

A: No, Dota 2 patches are automatically downloaded and installed by the game’s launcher. As long as you have an internet connection, you will always be playing the latest version of the game.

Q: How do patches impact the Dota 2 esports scene?

A: Patches can have a significant impact on the Dota 2 esports scene, as they can change the meta of the game and force players to adapt their strategies. As such, professional Dota 2 teams and players closely follow the latest patches and adjust their gameplay accordingly.

Q: Can I play older versions of Dota 2?

A: No, once a new patch is released, the previous version of the game is no longer playable. This is because the game’s servers are updated to support the latest patch, making it impossible to play older versions of the game.

Q: Are patches released simultaneously on all Dota 2 servers?

A: Yes, patches are typically released simultaneously on all Dota 2 servers around the world. This ensures that all players have access to the latest version of the game at the same time.


And that brings us to the end of our comprehensive guide on Liquipedia Dota 2 patches. We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights and knowledge about the various patches that have been released for Dota 2 on Liquipedia. Remember to regularly check Liquipedia to stay up-to-date with the latest patches and their key changes, and to adjust your playstyles and strategies accordingly. Good luck, and have fun!

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